Wednesday, June 29 – San Nazzaro (Italy) H2O Racing, promoter and organizer of the UIM- F1H2O World Championship announces that the second and third round of the UIM F1H2O World Championship, FIM- Grand Prix of Regione Emilia Romagna and FIM- Grand Prix of Italy, originally scheduled in San Nazzaro d’Ongina on July 15-17 have been postponed.
The decision has been taken by FIM, Italian Powerboat Federation, due to the situation of extreme drought Italy is facing in this moment.
“It has been a very difficult decision – said the President of FIM Vincenzo Iaconianni – noy only in views of the importance of the events but also considering that the organization of the 2 events had already started some time ago.
But the evaluations we did together with the authorities of Regione Emilia Romagna and the City of Monticelli d’Ongina on whether or not to race in this moment of extreme suffering of Po River persuaded us to move the 2 Grand Prix after summer above all on ethical grounds”.
“We totally agree with the decision taken by the Italian Powerboat Federation- said Lavinia Sanzovo Cavallero Senior Vice President H2ORacing- not only for the safety of our drivers but as a form of respect for people and activities who are suffering for this lack of water”.