ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates - The UIM F1 H2O World Championship announces today that for the first time in their four decade history of racing a Grand Prix event will be held on the continent of South America with the advent of the Grand Prix of Brazil in the capital city of Brasilia on the weekend of 1-2 of June, 2013.
"It's a dream come true for me," said H2O Racing President Nicolo di San Germano. "I am very grateful to the Governor Mr. Agnelo Dos Santos Queiroz, Governador do Distrito Federal; Julio Cesar Ribeiro, Secretario de Estado de Esporte; Luis Otavio Rocha, Secretario de Estado de Turismo; Abimael Nunes De Carvalho, Secretario de Estado de Publicidade Institucional and I am now sure that Brasilia will become the biggest water festival in the world!"
Ex-F1 H2O driver and now President of the Brazilian Powerboat Federation Paul Gaiser along with H2O Racing Brazil representative Beto Lorenzato were instrumental in helping place Brasilia on the UIM F1 racing map.
The Grand Prix racing weekend is expected to attract 100,000 plus spectators during a very busy schedule for the area. The UIM F1 H2O Grand Prix will mark the beginning of a series of exciting events with the arrival just one week later of the start of the Confederation Cup 2013.
For the city of 2.6 million people that was founded just 53 years ago, Brasilia, is a dynamic and rapidly growing metropolis. For the country, Brazil is justly proud of the series of events that are planned in the near future, including the Youth World Meeting with the Pope in Rio de Janeiro. Add to that the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and of course the Summer Olympics of 2016 making Brazil the center of sport worldwide for the next four years.
So, as the series begins its special 30th Anniversary year of racing along with closing in on its historic 250th Grand Prix event, it's only fitting that a new page is turned in the history of the sport bringing the dynamic backdrop of the Capital City of Brasilia as a fitting portrait to the worlds most exciting sport on water the UIM F1 H2O World Championship!
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